The common image of the Confederate Army during the Civil War is dominated by a limited number of early photographs of offices and men wearing the gray and butternut associated with the CS regulations and quartermaster issues. This sequence of books examines a much wider field; the original uniforms of the state militia and volunteer companies brought together to form the Confederate field armies, and the continuing efforts to clothe troops as wear-and-tear gradually reduced the originally wide range of uniforms. A mass of information from contemporary documents is illustrated with rare photographs and meticulous colour reconstructions. Text by Ron Field with illustrations by Richard Hook.
- Louisiana
Antebellum Volunteer Militia 1861
Zouaves and Chasseurs 1861-62
Confederate States Volunteers 1861-62
State-Issue Clothing 1861-63
Uniforms Provided by Ladies' Aid Societies
Arms and Equipage
- Texas
Antebellum Volunteer Militia
Confederate States Volunteers 1861-62
State-Issue Clothing 1861-62
Ladies' Aid Societies
Arms and Equipage
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 423 : The Confederate Army 1861-1865 (1) : South Carolina & Mississippi
Men-at-Arms 426 : The Confederate Army 1861-1865 (2) : Florida, Alabama & Georgia
Men-at-Arms 430 : The Confederate Army 1861-1865 (3) : Louisiana & Texas
Men-at-Arms 435 : The Confederate Army 1861-1865 (4) : Virginia & Arkansas
Osprey Men-at-Arms