Austria's defeat at the battle of Hohenkinden, on 3 December 1800, created a power vacuum in the area now known as Germany, and Napoleon lost little time in transforming this zone into a pro-French 'cordon sanitaire', creating as he did so the Duchy of Berg, which he later united with Kleve. Like Kleve-Berg, Westfalia was also ruled entirely according to French law, and both provided troops for the French Emperor. Otto von Pivka explores the campaigns, uniforms, flags and standards in this first of two books concerning Napoleon's German allies. The service history of both armies is described in Pivka's absorbing and entertaining style. Contemporary illustrations and modern photographs detail uniforms and equipment, together with eight full page colour plates by Rick Scollins, and extensive commentaries.
- Napoleon's German Allies
- Formation of the Army of Berg
- Origins of the Westfalian Army
- Uniforms of the Westfalian Army
- Flags and Standards of the Westfalian Army
- Uniforms of the Army of Berg
- Flags and Standards of the Grand Duchy of Berg
- Campaigns of the Westfalian Army
- Russia 1812
- Campaigns of the Troops of Berg
- The Regiment Westfalen
- The Plates
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 44 : Napoleon's German Allies (1) : Westfalia and Kleve-Berg
Men-at-Arms 43 : Napoleon's German Allies (2) : Nassau and Oldenburg
Men-at-Arms 90 : Napoleon's German Allies (3) : Saxony 1806-1815
Men-at-Arms 106 : Napoleon's German Allies (4) : Bavaria
Men-at-Arms 122 : Napoleon's German Allies (5) : Hessen-Darmstadt and Hessen-Kassel
Osprey Men-at-Arms