In the Sudan in 1881, the obscure son of a carpenter pronounced himself the 'Mahdi' or 'Guided One of the Prophet', the long-expected Messiah of the Islamic faith, plunging an Egypt which was then co-ruled by Britain and France, into war. Years of Egyptian mismanagement of Sudan had stirred resentment to boiling point, and to make matters worse Egypt itself was in turmoil. As in other spheres of Egyptian rule, the key and senior posts in her army were held by foreigners. This and other grievances sparked a rebellion led by an Egyptian officer called Ahmed Bey Arabi which further added to Britain's woes. Meanwhile, with Britain occupied with restoring order in Egypt, the Mahdi was left to do much as he pleased in the Sudan, with an army gaining ever more recruits. This book provides an absorbing account of these and subsequent events, including the story of Khartoum, General Charles Gordon, and the Nile Expedition. Robert Wikinson-Latham writes with clarity and insight of the incidents behind, and events of, the Sudan campaigns, detailing the organisation and fortunes of all forces involved, and painting a fascinating picture of the place and its peoples from 1881-1898. This book includes numerous illustrations and photographs, plus eight full page colour plates by Michael Roffe, and extensive commentaries.
- The British Army of the 1880s
- The Anglo-Egyptian Army
- The Dervish Army
- Egypt and the Sudan
- The Rise of Mahdism and the Arab Revolt
- The Sudan 1881-1883
- The Sudan 1884
- Gordon, Khartoum and the Nile Expedition
- After Khartoum 1885-1896
- The Re-Conquest of the Sudan 1896-1898
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms