The wars between whites and Indians, the most famous of which were fought on the great Western plains between 1860 and 1890, were among the most tragic of all conflicts ever fought. To the victor went no less than the complete domination of the continent, to the loser no less than total extinction. Philip Katcher relates that the Indians were doomed from the start. They were accustomed only to small scale skirmishing and raiding, and had never fought a European-style war with its constant pressure and coordinated strategies. This book describes with insight, accuracy and feeling the fatal misunderstandings of both sides which ultimately led to open conflict. The organisation of the armies, both Indian and American are examined, with particular attention payed to uniforms and costumes. Contemporary photographs, first hand accounts and illustrations add extra atmosphere to the text, and an additional eight full page colour plates, by Gerry Embleton detail uniforms of both sides, with extensive commentaries.
- Introduction
- The Plains Indians
- The Apaches
- The Army
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms