In 1809 the dispossessed Friedrich Wilhelm of Brunswick, consumed by his desire for revenge against Napoleon, entered into an agreement with the Austrians to raise a new corps of infantry and cavalry. As a physical expression of this vengeance he decided to clothe his new troops all in black and adopted as his badge the skull and crossbones, resulting in his corps' christening as Die Schwarze Schar (the Black Horde). This book details the pivotal role that the Black Brunswickers played in major battles of the Napoleonic Wars, including Quatre Bras and Waterloo. This book examines the uniforms, equipment, history and organisation of the Black Brunswickers. Formation and battle experience are summarised. Uniforms are shown in full illustrated detail. Text by Otto von Pivka with illustrations by Michael Roffe.
- The Formation of the Black Horde
- The Campaign of 1809
- The Fight to the Coast
- Brunswick Troops in the Peninsular
- The 1815 Campaign
- Quatre Bras 16 June 1815
- Waterloo 18 June 1815
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms