In the United Kingdom, for the last 150 years, 'The Grenadiers' have meant only one thing - the Regiment entitled The Grenadier Guards, or to give them their full title 'The First or Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards', the Senior Regiment of Foot in the British Army and the only Regiment to have won its official title of 'Grenadiers' in battle. As H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh says, in his personal foreword to this book, '...the Grenadiers have given a shining example to friend and foe alike of the true mettle and fighting qualities of the British soldier in triumph and adversity.'. General Sir David Fraser tells the story of this famous regiment; their beginnings, customs, battles and traditions from their formation as 'The Royal Regiment of Guards' in 1656 down to our own times. It is a remarkable story which includes Marlborough's campaigns in the struggle against France, the battle of Waterloo, the Crimean War, and of course two World Wars and beyond. Numerous photographs and illustrations populate Sir David's text, including eight full page colour plates by Angus McBride, with lengthy commentaries examining in detail the uniforms of the Grenadiers from 1865 to the 1970s.
- Introduction
- Early Days
- The Struggle With France
- Waterloo
- Victorian Wars
- The First World War
- The Second World War
- The Post-War Years
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms