From the Liebfahne of Austria to the eagle and wreath of Russia, this work by Terence Wise explores in depth the flags, colours and guidons of the Napoleonic allies of Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia. Packed with first class illustrations throughout, plus eight superb full page colour plates by Guigo Rosignoli together with extensive commentaries.
- Introduction
- Austria
- Britain
- Prussia
- Russia
- The Plates
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 77 : Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (1) : Colours, Standards and Guidons of France and her Allies
Men-at-Arms 78 : Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2) : Colours, Standards and Guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia, & Russia
Men-at-Arms 115 : Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (3) : Colours, Standards and the Guidons of Anhalt, Kleve-Berg, Brunswick, Denmark, Finland, Hanover, Hesse, The Netherlands, Mecklenburg, Nassau, Portugal, Reuss, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland & Westphalia
Osprey Men-at-Arms