Emir Bukhari examines in detail the uniforms of Napoleon's Guard Cavalry, including the Grenadiers à cheval; the Empress's Dragoons; the Chasseurs à cheval; the Mamelukes; the Gardes d'Honneur; the Polish Lancers; the Dutch Lancers; the German Lancers and the Lithuanian Tartars. A plethora of illustrations complement the text, including eight full page colour plates by Angus McBride, providing admirably detailed reconstructions of uniforms which are accompanied by ten pages of commentaries. A must for anyone interested in Napoleonic uniforms as the book covers some of the most colourful and fanciful uniforms in military history from the elaborate headgear of the Dutch Lancers to the eye-catching uniforms of the German Light Horse.
- The Heavy Cavalry
- The Medium Cavalry
- The Light Cavalry
- The Light Horse Lancers
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms