The Republican French were active in the export of revolution, and in 1796-1800 Napoleon saw that the inhabitants of northern Italy were ripe for conversion to the cause. French victories in 1798 and 1800 secured his hold on the area, and he at once began reorganising the many small states which then made up the territory of modern Italy into units more suitable for his military and dynastic ambitions. It was against a kaleidoscopic political background that the military affairs of the region developed, and it can therefore scarcely be surprising that the loyalties of many officers of both the Italian and Neapolitan armies were, to say the least, confused, especially taking into account the high degree of membership of secret societies among the military, with consequent patterns of loyalty which often cut across the normal lines of discipline. Many have belittled the martial achievements of the Neapolitans in the Napoleonic era, but the factors mentioned above may give clues to some of the causes of this lack of performance and the human consequences of these factors should also be recognised. Otto von Pivka explores the organisation, history and uniforms of the Italian troops who fought under the Emperor during the Napoleonic Wars. Included are eight full page colour plates by Mike Chappell.
- Napoleons Italian and Neapolitan Troops
- The Italian Army 1796-1814
- Uniforms of the Italian Army
- The Neapolitan Army
- Uniforms of the Neapolitan Army
- Battle History
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms