The Prussian army of 1813-15 was very different not only in appearance but in spirit from that of 1806. Blücher was essentially a cavalryman and, despite his years and heavy responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief, he thought nothing of leading cavalry charges in person. Although this was dangerous, he succeeded in driving his raw regiments to victory. This book analyses the corps, regimental and squadron strength of the infantry, cavalry and artillery arms of Blücher's army. The army of Field-Marshal Prince Blücher of Prussia was a key instrument in the final defeat of Napoleon. Using many contemporary sources the author examines its arms, organisation, leaders, awards, and even wounded. Text by Brigadier Peter Young with illustrations by Michael Roffe.
- Introduction
- Organisation
- The Leaders
- Cavalry
- Infantry
- Artillery and Pioneers
- A Miscellany
- The Plates
Osprey Men-at-Arms