Stephen Turnbull starts a two-part feature examining the similarities and differences between the Bushido culture of the samurai and the golden age of Medieval chivalry. Martin Brayley assesses the impact of the Korean War on the uniform technology of the time. Ryan Lavelle studies the realpolitik of Anglo-Saxon England. Other features include how former officers from the Confederate and Union armies found new employment in the Middle East and North Africa and the story of 'Dade's last stand', the massacre of a US column at the beginning of the 2nd Seminole War in the 19th century. The Landmarks series continues and looks at the Atlanta Cyclorama justifiably one of the most popular American Civil War sites, and René Chartrand cooks up another Napoleonic food and drink feature.
- Dade's Last Stand - The 2nd Seminole War
- Knights and Samurai
- UN Uniform Technology in the Korean Peninsula
- The Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Aethelwold of Essex
- Blue and Gray on the Nile
Osprey Military Journal