Derrick Wright recounts the history of the savage island battle of Iwo Jima and looks at how General Tadamichi Kuribayashi put up such a staunch defence. Angus Konstam shows how Sir Francis Drake's behaviour in the early phase of the battle against the Spanish Armada in 1588 left him open to accusations of opportunism and self-enrichment. Stephen Turnbull describes the changing role of ashigaru, footsoldiers of Japan, throughout feudal Japan and how they eventually gained samurai status. Many misconceptions also exist about Earl Douglas Haig's attitude towards cavalry during the First World War, Stephen Badsey reviews the judgements Haig based on the experiences of the South African Wars and shows how they stood the test of time during the Great War. René Chartrand tells of one of the few British successes of the French and Indian War in 1758, the capture of Fort Frontenac. He also explains the food and drink of the Wild West with some gastronomically challenging recipes.
- Landmarks - Warwick Castle
- Fort Frontenac
- The Spanish Armada
- The Forgotten Samurai
- Iwo Jima - The Japanese Perspective
- Bullets versus Horses
- Food and Drink - Wild West Cooking
Osprey Military Journal