During the glory years of Blitzkrieg the Panzerkampfwagen III (PfKpfw III) was the only weapon in the German tank arsenal that really counted. Like Napoleon's vieux moustaches, it did not merely witness history in the making - it made it, from the Channel to the Volga, and from the Arctic to the North African desert. It was the PzKpfw III that brought Hitler to the gates of Moscow and the closest to achieving his wildest dreams. This detailed study by Bryan Perrett delves into the development and employment of the PzKpfw III. As well as the differences between the various marks, specialised variations such as the Tauchpanzer ('diving tank') are investigated and much technical data given. Organisation and tactics are evaluated and their practical application illustrated by the examination of battles in which the PzKpfw III took part. These also allow a comparison of the tank's performance with that of other nations' armoured vehicles: thus the high and low points of the tank's career are examined, from the Polish Blitzkrieg to the battle of Halfaya Pass in which 160 German and Italian armoured vehicles, including PzKpfw IIIs were defeated by 9 British Matildas, immune to the 37mm and 50mm guns that the German armour mounted. The result is an extremely comprehensive book backed up with excellent illustrations which conclusively tells the story of one of the World War 2's most important tanks. Illustrations by Mike Badrocke.
- Development
- Special-Purpose Vehicles
- PzKpfw III Described
- Organisation and Tactics
- PzKpfw III in Action
- North Africa
Osprey New Vanguard