on osprey books. Trade Edition books are concise 64 page, 248 x 184mm, paperbacks examining the uniforms, equipment, tactics and personalities of troops and commanders accompanied by colour plates, artwork, photographs, maps and diagrams.

Trade Editions

 Numerical Listings Period Listings 
Trade Edition books are concise 64 page, 248 x 184mm, paperbacks examining the uniforms, equipment, tactics and personalities of troops and commanders accompanied by colour plates, artwork, photographs, maps and diagrams.


Armies of the Pharaohs
The Warrior Pharaoh : Rameses II and the Battle of Qadesh
The Spartans
Warriors of Ancient Greece
Alexander the Great
The Ancient Assyrians
Guardians of the Roman Empire
Legions of the North
The Battle of Cannae : Hannibal's Greatest Victory
Late Roman Cavalryman 236-565 AD
Twilight of the Empire : The Roman Infantryman 3rd to 6th Century AD
Germanic Warrior 236-568 AD
Anglo-Saxon Thegn 449-1066 AD
The Vikings
Attila and the Huns
The Age of Charlemagne
Hastings 1066 (1996)
Hastings 1066 (2000)
The Scottish and Welsh Wars 1250-1400
English Longbowman 1330-1515
Crecy 1346
Nicopolis 1396
Agincourt 1415
Constantinople 1453
Granada 1492 : The Reconquest of Spain
Malta 1565 : Last Battle of the Crusades
Nagashino 1575
Arthur and the Anglo Saxon Wars
The Crusades
Crusader Knight
Knights at Tournament
Knights of Christ
Medieval Siege Warfare
Medieval Heraldry
The Normans
Norman Knight
Viking Warrior
The Spanish Armada
The Wars of the Roses
The Border Reivers
The Samurai
Sekigahara 1600
Highland Clansman 1689-1746
The English Civil War
The Battle of Bosworth
The Jacobite Rebellions
Elizabethan Sea Dogs
Culloden 1746 : The Highland Clans' Last Charge
Culloden 1746 (2000)
British Redcoat
Boston 1775
Saratoga 1777
Yorktown 1781
Nelson's Navy
Napoleon's Guard
The Battle of Marengo 1800
Austerlitz 1805
Badajoz 1812
Salamanca 1812
Vittoria 1813
Waterloo 1815
New Orleans 1815
Little Big Horn 1876
Texas Rangers
The Apaches
American Plains Indians
Tribes of the Sioux Nation
Queen Victoria's Commanders
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Rorke's Drift 1879
The Zulus
Confederate Infantryman 1861-1865
Union Cavalryman 1861-1865
First Manassas 1861 : The Battle of Bull Run
Fredericksburg 1862
Shiloh 1862
Antietam 1862
Gettysburg 1863
Chancellorsville 1863
Vicksburg 1863
San Juan 1898 : Roosevelt's "Rough Riders"
Mons 1914
First Ypres 1914
German U-Boat Crews 1914-1945
Gallipoli 1915
Jutland 1916
British Tommy
Lawrence of Arabia
Blitzkrieg : France 1940
Operation Compass
Pearl Harbor (2000)
Pearl Harbor : 60th Anniversary Edition with CD (2001)
Guadalcanal 1942
The Battle of Midway
Kursk 1943
Tarawa 1943
Operation Bagration
Normandy 1944
A Bridge Too Far - Operation Market Garden
The Battle of the Bulge
The Rhineland 1945
Waffen-SS Soldier 1940-1945
Afrikakorps 1941-1943
Army Commandos
US Paratrooper 1941-1945
The Korean War
The Tet Offensive 1968
The Marine Corps in Vietnam
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