This book deals with the experiences of the American soldiers who fought the Japanese across the Pacific islands, and the specific nature of this combat environment. It follows a hypothetical soldier, 'Michael', through his enlistment into and training with the 165th Infantry Regiment (New York National Guard). It takes him through the 1941 manoeuvres the 27th Infantry Division participated in, the transfer to Oahu, and into the reality of daily life and combat in the Pacific theatre from 1942 to 1945, including Makin, Saipan and Okinawa. It also looks at the PTO administrative procedures for replacements, and medical and psychiatric care of the ordinary soldier. Whilst the focus is on one individual, the experiences of the many are examined and woven into an intricate and meticulous narrative. Text by Robert S. Rush with illustrations by Elizabeth Sharp.
- Introduction
- Chronology
- Enlistment - Prewar and Pearl Harbor
- Defense of Hawaii and Preparation for Combat 1942-43
- Makin - First Blood
- Saipan
- Casualties and Medics Rest and Recuperation
- The Last Battle - Okinawa
- Bibliography
- Colour Plate Commentary
- Glossary
- Index
The books in this series are;
Warrior 45 : US Infantryman in World War II (1) : Pacific Area of Operations 1941-1945
Warrior 53 : US Infantryman in World War II (2) : Mediterranean Theatre of Operations 1942-1945
Warrior 56 : US Infantryman in World War II (3) : European Theatre of Operations 1944-1945
Osprey Warrior