The US Army entered combat in the Mediterranean on November 8, 1942 with ten regiments. Between that date and May 1945, US Army infantry units fought in eight named campaigns in North Africa and Italy. This book follows one soldier from his enlistment in January 1942 aged 19, through training in a Replacement Training Center, assignment to the 1st Battalion 133d Regiment, 34th Infantry Division (Red Bull), and into combat in the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations (MTO) between 1943 and 1945. Included are the battles at Fondouk Pass, Hill 609, Salerno, Monte Cassino, Anzio and the fighting in the Po Valley. Whilst the focus is on one hypothetical soldier, the experiences of many are examined and woven into the detailed narrative thread. A key focus is on the Heavy Weapons Company, which consisted of two .30 calibre machine gun platoons, and an 81mm mortar platoon. The training and combat roles of the machine gunner's Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) are discussed in detail. Text by Robert S. Rush with illustrations by Elizabeth Sharp.
- Introduction
- Chronology
- John's Enlistment - Reception and Initial Training
- North Africa
- First Combat
- Italy 1943-44 - Salerno to Cassino
- Night Attack across the Volturno
- Wounded, Recovery and Return
- War's End
- Going Home
- Museums, Collecting and Re-Enactment
- Bibliography
- Colour Plate Commentary
- Index
The books in this series are;
Warrior 45 : US Infantryman in World War II (1) : Pacific Area of Operations 1941-1945
Warrior 53 : US Infantryman in World War II (2) : Mediterranean Theatre of Operations 1942-1945
Warrior 56 : US Infantryman in World War II (3) : European Theatre of Operations 1944-1945
Osprey Warrior