Following the death of the Yugoslavian strongman President Tito in 1980, the several semi-autonomous republics and provinces that he had welded into a nation in 1945 moved inexorably towards separation. After a deceptively clean break for independence by Slovenia in 1991, the world watched a series of other wars rip through this modern European state. In this first of two books, experts on the Balkan region give an unprecedentedly clear, concise explanation of the Slovene, Croatian and Krajina-Serb armies of these campaigns, illustrated with rare photos and an extraordinary range of colour uniform plates. Text by Nigel Thomas and K Mikulan with illustrations by Darko Pavlovic.
- Military and Political Situation in Yugoslavia
- Yugoslav National Army and Serb Militias 1991-92
- Serbian-Montenegrin Army 1994
- Slovenian Independence War 1991
- Croatian Independence War 1991-92
- Krajina Serbs Declare Independence
- Croatian Situation 1992-95
The books in this series are;
Elite 138 : The Yugoslav Wars (1) : Slovenia & Croatia 1991-1995
Elite 146 : The Yugoslav Wars (2) : Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia 1992-2001
Osprey Elite