In 1795 the Russian army was as vast as the territory from which it was drawn. The College of War calculated that the regular army amounted to 541,741 men, plus 46,601 enrolled cossacks, and at least a further 100,000 irregular cavalry which could be mobilised in time of war. Inspired by the icons paraded by their priests before battle, the Russian infantry were capable of astonishing feats and total, blind obedience to orders. Sir Robert Wilson, who campaigned with them, is often quoted: 'The infantry is generally composed of athletic men between the ages of 18 and 40, endowed with great bodily strength, but generally of short stature, with martial countenance and complexion; inured to extremes of weather and hardship; to the worst and scantiest food; to marches for days and nights, of four hours' repose and six hours' progress; accustomed to laborious toils, and the carriage of heavy burthens; ferocious, but disciplined; obstinately brave, and susceptible of enthusiastic excitements; devoted to their sovereign, their chief, and their country. Religious without being weakened by superstition; patient, docile, and obedient; possessing all the characteristics of a barbarian people, with the advantages engrafted by civilization.'. Philip Haythornthwaite examines the organisation and uniforms of the remarkable Russian infantry troops who fought in the Napoleonic Wars. His text is accompanied by numerous illustrations and diagrams, including eight full page colour plates by Paul Hannon. The companion book is Men-at-Arms 189 : The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) 1799-1814 : Cavalry.
- The Russian Army
- Organisation
- Uniforms, Alexander I - Line Infantry
- Jager Uniforms
- Guard Uniform 1801-14
- Opelchenie (Militia)
- Colours
- Plates
The books in this series are;
Men-at-Arms 185 : The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) 1799-1814 : Infantry
Men-at-Arms 189 : The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) 1799-1814 : Cavalry
Osprey Men-at-Arms