'A very remarkable people, the Zulu.', the British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said on hearing of a fresh disaster in the war of 1879, 'They defeat our generals; they convert our bishops; they have settled the fate of a great European dynasty.'. Remarkable indeed, to have taken on the full might of the British Empire at its height, and won, if not the war, at least some of the battles. The text by Ian Heath with illustrations by Angus McBride.
- The People
- Shaka and 'The Crushing'
- The Coming of the Whites
- Dingane
- Mpande and Cetshwayo 1840-1878
- The War of 1879
- The Ruin of Zululand
- Bhambatha
- The Plates
The books in this series are;
Elite 21 : The Zulus
Elite 32 : British Forces in Zululand 1879
Campaign 14 : Zulu War 1879 : Twilight of a Warrior Nation
Battles and Histories : Zulu War
Osprey Elite